Wednesday, April 1, 2020

Forensic Chemistry Internships: A Great Way to Finish High School

Forensic Chemistry Internships: A Great Way to Finish High SchoolYou may be one of the many students taking forensic chemistry internships, so you know all about the experience of doing a one-year study at this type of school. What you may not realize is that you can get a part time degree through a non-traditional learning method. Find out what this type of program can offer you if you decide to take it up. Read on.Many students who are studying for their degree in biology, biochemistry, or even a bio-science major find that the time in college is taking its toll on their existing careers. A career as a criminal investigator may require less work hours, but the hours are the hardest to get and can end up feeling like a second job. If you are a student in this kind of career, you can make your existing career more productive by completing a part-time course while in college.Students attending forensic chemistry internships also have to be on-site to complete the required work. The so lution to this issue is to take a course online and work from home. This is done with the help of some online study courses that do not require on-campus attendance. It is always best to consult a professional in this field to determine which course is best for you.In most cases, completing an online course is easier than the in-person course that is required for graduation. The reason behind this is that this training is often targeted towards individuals who already have experience in the field. This means that the programs may have already prepared the students for the daily challenges and are able to give them the knowledge that they need.The students of forensic chemistry internships are usually very enthusiastic about their studies. The reason for this is that they are still in high school and have to maintain some sense of normality in their everyday lives. They have to balance studying and being active.Some students are able to keep their high school life running while conti nuing their studies. Others have to work a part time job during the study period. Both situations are fine since it is the cost of studying that is reduced.Students who want to continue their education and work as a criminal investigator or something related must apply for a forensic chemistry internship. They can then work as many hours as needed during the period of their stay. The expenses are usually made up of accommodation and meals. Before enrolling, however, the students need to make sure that they will be able to pay these expenses.Students who have done this type of internship can obtain a Master's Degree in Forensic Science or a career in a government agency as a drug abuse attorney. The reason why this is important is because these professionals work with the police, the courts, and the medical examiner's office. These people are required to make sure that the law is followed in cases where drug abuse is involved.

Friday, March 20, 2020

What Do You Need to Get Going As a Chemistry Tutor in Birmingham?

What Do You Need to Get Going As a Chemistry Tutor in Birmingham?If you are interested in taking up a career as a chemistry tutor, it is always good to have a few things prepared. Birmingham has a vibrant science and technology community and there are plenty of suitable places for you to work. So what should you consider in your decision? We've put together a few important points to think about.Qualifications: If you are thinking of becoming a chemistry tutor, qualifications will be a vital part of your application. You should have completed a high school qualification if possible and preferably further studies. Some universities offer further study. A degree in science is the ideal foundation for a career as a chemistry tutor, particularly if you are looking at jobs working with children.Experience: A good chemistry tutor is somebody who has the experience necessary to make a career for themselves. In addition to a good degree, this will also include experience in a specific subject area, such as biology or botany. If you have some experience of your own in the subject, you can set yourself apart from others with this.Different Kinds of Career: It is easy to be drawn to careers within schools, such as teaching or education. If you are a person who is open to new experiences and circumstances, however, it might be worth thinking about other careers that you may not have thought of before. As you may know, Birmingham has a large medical technology industry and if you are interested in this sector, you may find that you are able to set up your own practice.It is good to find out if there is an organisation in your local area that will give you work, either through an employer or a local company. You can also look at sites online to see if you can get something going. If you are creative, you may be able to find something on your own.To sum up, if you have been successful at any level at school, if you have some experience of tutoring and have some ideas on what y ou would like to do with your life, then you may be able to find the perfect chemistry tutor for you. Not only will you be getting valuable experience, but you may also find the experience of teaching young people is rewarding.You will need to do your research, but when you have selected your chemistry tutor Birmingham AL is sure to have something interesting for you. You will be given advice on finding the best place for you to live, and you will also have your CV and work history checked. This should give you an idea of what you are going to be getting into.

Friday, March 6, 2020

How to Make an Old Man Learning English Commercial That Gets the Most Attention

How to Make an Old Man Learning English Commercial That Gets the Most AttentionFor an old man learning English, many times the chance to express his thoughts and feelings in a documentary-style commercial is one of the most thrilling experiences he could ever have. Thus, it is important to take the time and think about the appropriate method to create these type of videos. To this end, let's consider some of the ways that an old man learning English could put on the best commercial to utilize his talent and skills in the most effective way. In this article, we'll learn about the four key things to remember when creating a commercial that can get as much attention as possible.The first and most important thing to remember is that the ad must be relatively short. The length of a commercial is often influenced by the length of the tutorial, but if you want to make sure that your old man learning English commercial is receiving the maximum amount of exposure, then there is no point in be ing too long. To best capture an audience's attention, simply put up one of these types of commercials, no more than two minutes long, and you will be well on your way to making a good impression.Another interesting technique to use to ensure that the commercial makes its best impression is to tell a story or engage the viewer in an interesting activity. This is one way to create an engaging video that the audience will want to see again, helping to ensure that your commercial is still popular even years after the campaign has ended.Finally, if you want to ensure that your old man learning English commercial will receive the highest amount of exposure, you need to focus on using clips from television shows or movies that were produced with the help of people who are trained in working with older people. That means if you are running a campaign for the elderly, you should find clips from television shows and movies in which they are shown having fun, having conversations with their f riends, or laughing hysterically. This will help to ensure that your commercial gets maximum exposure while simultaneously targeting a specific group of people who will be most likely to watch your commercial.If you decide to run an old man learning English commercial, you should keep in mind that the most effective way to do so is to use short, effective and catchy ads. Remember that if you want to make the most of your commercial, you need to make sure that it is extremely short, contains a high percentage of words that are vital and relevant to your target audience, and can be used on a variety of different types of media, including the web, DVD, billboards, and other forms of advertising.Finally, and perhaps the most important, you need to work hard to find a local expert to help you create the best commercial that you can for your old man learning English campaign. There are many advertising agencies in New York City, and they all offer great rates on excellent advertising, but for this type of campaign, you need to know that you are working with the best. By hiring an expert, you will be ensuring that you produce a commercial that will stand out from the crowd and will ensure that your old man learning English campaign continues to receive strong exposure.Getting a hold of a professional agency to create a commercial for your old man learning English campaign is going to make the difference between success and failure for your campaign. By employing the best creative talent possible, you can be certain that your commercial will be created in a very professional manner and be ready to launch with little or no waiting time.

Thursday, March 5, 2020

Life Coach Manchester

Life Coach Manchester Where to Find a Life Coach in Manchester ChaptersWhat Can Life Coaching Do for You?Superprof Life Coaches in ManchesterInexpensive or Free Life Coaching OpportunitiesLife Coaching by Any MeansThe tiny home movement is sweeping across America!Fed up with high property taxes and the cost of upkeep on a full-size house, many Americans are downsizing their living space to just a few square metres and giving away most of their possessions.In the UK, this craze is only just beginning.The website TinyHouseUK indicates that the movement is gradually catching on here.One main difference between the US tiny house movement and the one in our country is that, for the English, those accommodations are marketed as temporary only: something you put in your garden for guests to stay in.Weren’t we supposed to talk about life coaching programs in Manchester? What do tiny homes have to do with life coaching?Quite a lot, actually.Superprof now takes you on a transformational adventure in tiny living, which is, in fact, living much larger tha n you might have ever dared.Along the way, we’ll find out how to get rid of impedimenta to discover your best self.Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs, food, clothing and shelter are fundamental to humans’ existence.Nobody ever said that that shelter had to cost a bundle or include four bedrooms, a dining area and a garden!Beyond that come psychological needs: love, friendship, and esteem. The final, and some say greatest portion of this pyramid is self-actualisation: understanding of the self and achieving one’s full potential.So, if your basic need for shelter can be met in a tiny home which requires fewer resources â€" time and money to maintain, living in such a dwelling actually gives you more of everything to spend on your being and becoming!Now we go in search of life coaches that can help bring about this transformation.Our search for life coaches in Cardiff already yielded amazing results...Unlike an exotic holiday in Bora Bora, life coaching does not have to cost very much Source: Pixabay Credit: Julius SilverSuperprof Life Coaches in ManchesterMancunians seeking to improve their lives would have no problem finding their life coach through Superprof: you would have a sizable variety to choose from.Becky is a psychology graduate with experience in life coachingNorman has worked with many organisations to help their employees’ personal growthRachel who, through her years of study and personal experience, has acquired the coaching tools to help you grow!Alex is a media broadcaster who has had to overcome his own challenges; he is now ready to work with you.Each of these Superprofs offers their first hour of coaching for free â€" as do Superprofs of other disciplines, from academic support to learning to play the guitar.That hour would be used to conduct your intake interview: the part of life coaching that involves you targeting your goals more precisely with your coach helping you define them most clearly.You may even have time to set up an action pl an to reach those goals!Any of them would be willing to meet you in your home or online; an accommodation meant to make you most comfortable and secure as you start to explore the unfamiliar territory of the potential you.Edinburgh life coaches could work with you online just as well!Furthermore, should you be open to being coached online, you may choose a coach from anywhere in the country or the world!That being the case, Superprof Anri would be a great choice. So adept is he at propelling people into the life they’ve always wanted that he has earned a 5-star rating and glowing client testimonials!You may think that life coaching is an expensive proposition, and perhaps even an unnecessary expenditure.You can rest assured that turning your life around need not be expensive: the average cost for an hour of life coaching with a Manchester Superprof coach hovers at £20 per hour.Whether spending on coaching skills to become your ultimate you is unnecessary is a matter of conjecture .However, we’d like to point out that few have the opportunity, in the course of their daily lives, to experience significant emotional events that usually trigger change and personal growth.We tend to get comfortable within our boundaries, even though we feel a longing for greater life experiences.Genius is 1% inspiration and 99% perspiration. â€" Thomas EdisonWhen it comes to turning your life around, truer words were never spoken. Isn’t it amazing that that sentiment also pertains to life coaching?Your genius lies in recognising there should be more to life. The (symbolic) perspiration occurs as you transition through to self-awareness which, in itself, could be a significant emotional experience!Let us now find out where you might find professional coaching for free or at a substantially reduced cost.Inexpensive or Free Life Coaching OpportunitiesPerhaps the best method of discovering your personal potential is to undergo a life coach training program, whether or not you int end to become a coach yourself.It just so happens that, in Manchester City Centre, you may partake of a series of free life coaching workshops, to be held on select weekends.The programme, which normally costs £699, calls for participants to attend intensive seminars for three consecutive weekends.In light of society's current for-profit mindset, that those instructors are giving away coaching techniques and teaching coaching skills for free is a testament to how successful their methods are!Undergoing coaching training represents the heal-thyself philosophy in its purest form.Because most people seek out a life coach in order to transform their lives, it stands to reason that one of the changes they’d like to make involves changing professions.If that is you, maybe training as a life coach could be just the ticket you need to make a new start for yourself!Might we make a suggestion?Should you decide to partake of this seminar, you should take your training further: become accred ited by the International Coach Federation.Such accreditation lends both credibility and gravitas to the training you’ve undergone, all while providing you with outlets for further continuing education.And once you have your ICF certification?That is when you get to write your own ticket! You may establish yourself as a life coach, a business coach, an executive coach... the sky’s the limit, really!With all of that enthusiasm out of the way... you may find other venues in and around Manchester for free life coaching.With just a bit of a look around, you could discover that your church and/or local community centre regularly hosts empowerment  sessions.Also, ask around at work! These days, many progressive companies offer life coaching as a prerequisite to keep their employees motivated and on task.If your company doesn’t yet do that, you may suggest it to them!It is said that one never knows where one’s next great opportunity will come from. In the case of life coaching, the positive changes you will see are a direct result of the work that you do.That means that you make your own opportunities! How rewarding is that?Just ask those who have worked with life coaches in Belfast; they will cite excellent results!Making your own opportunities is empowering and motivating! Source: Pixabay Credit: QimonoLife Coaching by Any MeansElsewhere throughout Greater Manchester, you may find life coaches liberally sprinkled in just about every corner you could think of.A quick glance at the website Life Coach Directory reveals no fewer than 45 such mentors with varying degrees of experience.Actually, the word mentor is not correct; unlike in sports coaching, mentoring is not a part of a life coach’s repertoire.Each of those professional coaches has their own profile page, in which they list their education, training, coaching credentials and what particular area of your life they would guide you to improve.Or you might opt for a coach who has her own web page, such as Sally Heady.She will work with you in person or online to combat your anxiety and stress, so that you can discover what your peak of performance â€" at work, at home and in your relationships is.She would probably even laud your efforts at living in a tiny home, should you choose to downsize your material life!After all, doing so means embracing larger holistic principles...See more information below on life coaches in:BirminghamGlasgowLeedsLondon

What Are The Rules To Study In Germany

What Are The Rules To Study In Germany The Necessary Steps For Studying In Germany ChaptersWhy German International Programs Attract International StudentsWhat You Should Know About Student Life And Education In GermanyStep By Step To Student Enrollment To Study Your Degree In GermanyGoing to study abroad is a dream for many students, especially during college and university. Thankfully international study is relatively easy for British citizens to travel and study abroad within the European Union countries. Depending on the decisions made regarding Brexit, you may not even have to apply for a Student visa.According to the website ‘’, Many students choose to study in Germany as international students. It comes out as the clear winner with the highest number of international students selecting Germany over all of the different countries in the EU.Before booking your flight, however, there are several practical things that you should do. You must consider some facts about studying abroad and also the important points of choosing to study at a German unive rsity.Many students choose to study in Germany as international students. It comes out as the clear winner with great benefits. Photo Source: Unsplashyou should at least learn the basics. While most people will speak English, including your professors. You should take the opportunity to learn while living there as this will give you access to understanding more about people and culture.Speaking only English may limit the options that you have for studying at university. Because while Germans speak English fluently, you may forget that their first language is actually German. And just like in the UK, they will do key things in their native language.Tuition fees are some of the lowest in Europe and have been that way since 2014. Valid for both German students and international students as well.As you would expect, German universities cover all subjects, and they offer several specialist schools too. With engineering schools, International universities, professional universities and ar t schools.Germany is a primarily meat-eating country with many of its dishes specialised on meat. If you are vegetarian or vegan, you should try to select a larger city to study in which will have an abundance of food for people with alternative tastes.Studying in a bigger city has the benefit of having a large population of English speakers but also the downside of being more expensive. Choose your university location carefully.Admission requirements: All universities have different entry requirements. Make sure that you understand this when applying for education in Germany. You should apply to each university following the rules that they set out.Health insurance is compulsory and should cover your entire time in Germany.Choose your German lessons London on here.German history started long before the Holocaust. Being in the country allows you to delve into that history. Photo Source: UnsplashStep By Step To Student Enrollment To Study Your Degree In GermanyTo study in Germany you should plan in advance, Germany is a popular option for students and the spaces within each university will be limited. This is especially important if you hope to get a place in popular cities like Berlin, Dresden, Frankfurt, Munich, cologne or Hamburg.Step One: Decide What You Want To StudyOnce you know what you want to study, you can find the best school that offers that course. If you speak German or are willing to learn, you are likely to have much more opportunity than just applying to English only programs.Using the Erasmus program or by using your own research, you can find the perfect university and course for your interests and skills.Decide on the following:The university and its locationThe course and its content (remember to check which language it is taught in)Step Two: Ask Lots Of Questions Before You ApplyBefore even applying, you have to understand what is really on offer. In Germany, a degree can take from 3-4 years, and if you want to study abroad for the entire program that is the 3-4 years of your life that you are making the decision for.Make Sure. You Ask About:The application processOptions for living such as the student hallsFinancing options for your housing and studiesWhich courses are taught in English if you don't speak GermanIf they offer a German language skills course to help, you learn the native language. If you apply to study on a German language course, your Language proficiency will be tested before being accepted.Also, you need to find out if you will have any support once you have arrived and started to study in Germany.It is also important to make sure that you understand if your German degree will need to be converted if you decide to move back to the UK.You should learn to speak the language if you want to live in Germany. Photo Source: UnsplashStep Three: Check The Entry RequirementsThe best way to find out the entry requirements for student Enrollment. For your selected Top universities is to check their website. Th e application procedures will be explained in detail. You should read over this and make sure that you have understood what is needed. Every little detail counts, you should make sure you not only meet the criteria but also that you follow the steps carefully.Not doing the application right won't be found out until the end and could result in delays or refusals. Which could ruin your chance of studying in Germany. If there is something that you don't understand, contact the university and ask them about it. They will be happy to guide you and support your application. There is no better support that you could get than directly from the German university.Step Four: Submit Your ApplicationOnce you are sure that your application has been completed properly, you will be ready to apply. Make sure to check your application numerous times before sending it. Be sure to reread the application formalities and check with your application in hand that you have ticked each criterion. You can als o ask your current school to help or ask for help from someone else. The second set of eyes can help to weed out mistakes that could delay your application.Step Five: WaitOnce you have sent your application, you should get a confirmation of receipt. When that comes through. There is nothing left to do except wait to get your acceptance and Enrolment information. It takes time to get a reply at this stage as there are so many applications. If you are very impatient, you can ask the University in Germany when it expects to reply so that you can relax a little.Going to Study in Germany is going to be a life-changing and generally enriching experience. You will discover a new culture, open yourself to new opportunities like learning German and new experiences such as travelling in Europe. While studying is a challenge, no matter where you are, you will be well taught in Germanies best universities that are famous for offering an amazing education. Fingers crossed and good luck with your application.

A Fun Blues Guitar Exercise to Get You Started

A Fun Blues Guitar Exercise to Get You Started Suzy S. If youre familiar with blues chords and ready to start trying your hand at some riffs, this exercise from guitar teacher Samuel B. will help you get the ball rolling As an instructor (and blues guitar afficionado), Im keen on you developing a working knowledge of the blues. The blues is the musicological basis of all recognizable forms of American music (gospel, contemporary country, soul, rhythm blues, bluegrass, early rock n roll, the list goes on). Therefore, said knowledge will improve your fluidity and integrity regardless of whether or not the blues becomes your supreme element. Its easy to confuse the forms structural simplicity (the same three chords in the same order) with a supposed simplicity inherent to blues guitar. First youll want to learn first-position chords in the key of E (E, A, and B7 the most blues-friendly chords in my experience): E Chord E||| B||| G|O|| D||-O| A||-O| E||| A Chord E||| B||-O| G||-O| D||-O| A||| E||| B7 Chord E||-O| B||| G||-O| D|O|| A||-O| E||| As well, you should practice the blues scale in the key of E (beginning on the 9th fret): E||-O||-O|||-O| B||-O||-O|||-O| G|O|||-O||-O|-O| D|O|||-O||-O|| A||-O||-O|O|-O|| E||-O||-O|||-O| Chords are the basis for rhythm guitar work. Scales are the basis for soloing. These are two completely unrelated elements. The following guitar tab serves as a pedagogical “lubricant” in between them (a trick I learned while being taught Stevie Ray Vaughans “Pride And Joy”) and will benefit you regarding both your conditioning and your repertoire: E||||||| B||||||| G||||||| D|||5|||| A|||3,7||4,6|| E|0-|1,9||2,8||| (repeat) E||||||| B||||||| G|||5|||| D|||3,7||4,6|| A|0-|1,9||2,8||| E||||||| E||||||| B||||||| G||||||| D|||5|||| A|||3,7||4,6|| E|0-|1,9||2,8||| If yourre familiar with blues guitar already, then you may have deduced that this sequence aligns with the first two-thirds of the twelve-bar blues chord progression. The remaining one-third (the B7th, A, E descent â€" one measure per chord) involves one relevant sequence per chord: E|||||| B|||||| G|||||| D|0,3||||| A|0,1|2|||| E|||||| (repeat 3 more times) E|||||| B|||||| G|0,3||||| D|0,1|2|||| A|||||| E|||||| (repeat 2 more times) E|||||||| B|||||||| G|||||||| D|||0,5||||-| A||0,3,8-|||9-|-4,10-|| E|0,2,7-|||1,6-|||-| Once youve learned to play this sequence smoothly, there are several ways to decorate the sequence. Among them are hammer-ons and pull-offs. As suggested by the name, a hammer-on is a single note altered by way of a left (not right) hand fourth-finger addition: ||O-||X| In this case, your index finger is “O” and your fourth one is “X.” The string is played only once with the right hand, but augmented with an extra note from the left literally hammered on to the vibrating string. You can also produce hammer-ons on open strings with your third finger: O ||X-|| Inversely, pull-offs involve your left hands fourth finger (or third in the case of open strings) releasing a vibrating note: ||X-||O| X ||O-|| Play around with these suggestions and see what works for you. You may develop some tricks of your own. As a teenager, I created a unique warping effect by holding down and bending two strings with one finger. Above all, have fun and dont be afraid to make mistakes! Samuel B. teaches beginner  guitar lessons in Austin, TX. He teaches lessons face-to-face without sheet music, which is his adaptation of Japanese instruction (involving a call-and-response method).  Learn more about Samuel here! Interested in Private Lessons? Search thousands of teachers for local and live, online lessons. Sign up for convenient, affordable private lessons today! Search for Your Teacher Photo by nociveglia

Studying Political History What does it entail

Studying Political History What does it entail Politics and History: How Can You Study It? ChaptersThe Politics of an OligarchyAutocracy as a Historical Political SystemTheocracy as a Form of Government?Democracy: the Best Worst SolutionStudying Political HistoryHistory as a social science explores many aspects of life throughout the ages: economics history, intellectual innovation, and politics. In this, it is similar to sociology, except that the humanities branch including political history doesn’t study modern societies, it studies the different types of political thought throughout the centuries, the political manoeuvering of historical figures as well as various types of political upheaval (revolutions, coups, putsches etc…)Historical research in political history also studies political interaction, meaning that it crosses over to military history and diplomatic history - the various types of political ties formed between nations and their impact on inner politics and international relations.One thing you should consider is that, both from the point of view of cu ltural history and anthropology, politics and bureaucracy do not necessarily go hand in hand. Many so-called “primitive” societies without their own system of writing or political institutions such as a parliament still exhibit political behaviour and have their own system of governance and political philosophy, often steeped in their moral and cultural values and traditions.In this article, we’ll give an overview of some of the more common political systems and the different historical iterations they come ideologies were sought and toward the end of the eighteenth century, the participation of the people became the ideal political philosophy. This lead to various forms of Constitutional monarchies (older in England and successful, less so in France just prior to the Revolution), many of them in the nineteenth century, then to actual democracies.  The process was finished in the twentieth century, with no absolute monarchy left in Europe.Louis XIV of France is often co nsidered the poster boy of absolute monarchy. Photo credit: Hyacinthe Rigaud on WikimediaHowever, even with the advent of globalization, there are still some absolute monarchies in the world today - Saudi Arabia, the United Arab Emirates, Oman and Brunei in the Arabic Peninsula, and Swaziland in Africa.ElectoratesElectorates are a form of absolute monarchy in which the monarch does not descend from a single ruling family but instead is elected from one of many aristocratic or royal families by an electoral college. This was the case in the Holy Roman Empire where the Prince-Electors chose the next Emperor from among their midst by means of an election. So theoretically a new emperor was not necessarily the son of the old - though, from 1440 onward, they were all from the House of Habsburg, and the elective role of the college was merely to ratify the usual course of succession.DespotismA despot usually designates an autocrat who is - either truly or symbolically - elected by the peo ple. Some despots are elected democratically to the presidency of their country and then seize power and disenfranchise any regulatory instances, others have rigged or single-party elections that ensure that they stay in power while symbolically giving the people a sense of political participation.However, many a despotic regime also came to power through a political or military coup.They are not monarchies mostly because they are not (officially) hereditary, although many a despot has had his son “elected” to office after him.Many despots use ideological means to stay in power, with political propaganda and information manipulation and control playing an important role to limit criticism of their regime.elections (or their equivalent) can be direct (President elected by the people), party-based (the strongest party in parliament provides the president/chancellor etc.) or through an  electoral college (a system only the American government pretends to understand).RepublicA repub lic is not a separate form of democracy, but simply designates any type of state in which government is considered a public matter rather than the sole province of a monarch or despot.Constitutional monarchiesConstitutional monarchies are systems of government in which the Head of State is nominally or politically a monarch - someone whose right to  rule is determined through birthright - but the actual governing and lawmaking is done by a parliament or other elected body whose representatives are elected by the people. Many monarchies became constitutional monarchies in the late 19th century or early 20th as a reaction against the emergence of a new sort of nationalism in which citizens wanted some say in government.The exact role and political power of the monarch is regulated by the constitution, ranging from Morocco, where the king retains executive powers (though lessened with the reform of 2011) to monarchies such as Britain and Sweden where the monarch’s power is extremely limited, playing a mostly representative role in global politics.Direct democracy vs. representative democraciesIn political science, a difference is made between direct and representative democracy.In a representative democracy, citizens elect representatives that make policy and decide on laws and other governmental acts. This body of representatives is often divided into two houses elected according to different principles (population vs. area, or equal representation, or party etc.) and can be divided between the legislative an executive branches. They can be called a parliament, congress, senate, or any number of different names, but the important factor is that the people have representation by members of a political party they feel corresponds to their personal ideology. Interestingly, the idea of “left” and “right”-wing parties emerged from the seating of representatives in the parliament of the first French Republic, right after the Revolution - to the left or the r ight of the political leader.In direct democracies, the people vote directly on legislation, possibly electing one or two leaders for the executive branch of government. This is the form of government found in classical Athens, where every citizen attended sessions of parliament where they would debate the questions of the day and voted via secret ballot with stones in urns. Of course, Athens was only one city with a bit of countryside attached, and citizenship only applied to free landowning males (feminism wasn’t invented yet), so the amount of people present at any one session was not overly excessive. Another historical example for direct democracy are pirate ships. On many filibusters, the captain was elected democratically and many decisions, such as where to go next and how to divide the booty, was decided by vote.In Athens, citizens could vote to exile someone by writing their name on shards of pottery and dropping them in an urn. Photo credit: Pilar Torres on VisualhuntTo day, direct democracy is usually only occasionally practised in the form of referendums on important affairs - EU applicants have to have a referendum before joining officially, and we all know what happened with Britain’s last attempt at direct democracy.CommunismCommunism is interesting in that the political theory of communism is impossible without the economic theories behind it.Communism is often confused with socialism:While all communists are socialistsNot all socialists are communistsSocialism posits a welfare state - that is to say, socialists consider it to be the responsibility of the state to look after its citizens. To what extent depends on the individual philosophy - but most socialists agree that basic care - health care, a certain minimal unemployment and a right to basic education and foodstuff - is a governmental responsibility. The important aspect is that it’s a form of  state-run insurance, with all citizens paying into a pot that’s then redistributed.Soc ialism can exist within capitalism - the most common form of economy among democracies. Communism, however, needs a completely different framework.In communism, there is no personal ownership - of anything. Everything is owned communally and distributed to those who need it. It is often propagated as the rule of the working class. As French philosopher Jean-Jacques Rousseau had already understood, it works best on a local level. A whole communally-owned state needs a political structure, which inevitably leads to the creation of a political elite. Oddly enough, while the theoretical structure of communist nations is a democracy, most of them turn into dictatorships, with a single charismatic personality at their heads until he dies.Communism at a local level existed in many so-called primitive societies, in which most goods were communally owned and resources distributed according to need.Studying Political HistoryUniversities rarely offer political history as a separate subject. Ho wever, if you are interested in the intellectual history of politics, there are ways you can still find out more about it by studying on an interdisciplinary level.If you are interested in the political events that formed (and destroyed) nations, become a historian and study ancient history, modern history or archaeology. Undergraduates learn about the different cultures and the social systems, and the libraries are excellent for research on political events.If you are interested in the schools of thought behind political systems and decisions, why not study philosophy? Though often considered a purely intellectual pursuit, philosophy has influenced political thinking for millennia, whether the religious philosophy found in Latin texts of the Medieval and Renaissance periods, the philosophers of the Enlightenment or Machiavelli in early modern times, or modern political thinkers such as Foucault in the twentieth century. Anyone interested in comparative politics and ethical question s in politics would do well to study the philosophical thought behind the political systems. A graduate student in philosophy understands the conflict behind the different methodological views of politics and can analyze their pros and cons - though no-one has yet found the perfect system.If you are more interested in studying how political history impacted modern society and politics - the rise of liberalism, the differentiation between legislative and executive powers, analytical views on the impact of political decisions on the economy and social history or the interaction of world powers in international politics - consider a Political Science major. A number of universities in the UK have political science courses on their curriculum.Read more about studying History in the UK.